Food Retailers’ Objectives of Developing Private Label Products and Their Perspectives to Private Label Products

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal

Title of Article: Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları
[Food Retailers’ Objectives of Developing Private Label Products and Their Perspectives to Private Label Products]

Author(s): Serkan Kilic

Volume: 2

Number: 1

Year: 2011

Page: 173 – 188

ISSN: 1309-2448


In the intensive competitive environment, retailers incline to develop their own branded products (private label products) to make a differentiation over their rivals and to gain a market share. On the other side, retailers’ have some objectives in developing private label products. At this point, this study put forwards the differences between retailers’ some characteristics and objectives of developing private label products and investigates the tendencies and expectations towards private label products. The results of the research present that there are no differences in the objectives of developing private label products according to the food retailers’ ownership of private label. However, it is found that there are some differences in the objectives of developing private label products according to the food retailers’ level of activity, number of branches and scale. In the study, it is also put forward that food retailers expect an increase in the demand of private label products at nearly terms and inclining to develop private labels more than before.

Keywords: Retailing, Food retailing, Brand, Private label

JEL Classification: L66, L81, M31


