An Investigation on Profiles of Private Employment Agencies in Turkey: What are their current characteristics?

Article Information

Journal: Business and Economics Research Journal
Title of Article: An Investigation on Profiles of Private Employment Agencies in Turkey: What are their current characteristics?
Author(s): Emel Cetinkaya, Sumeyra Alpaslan Danisman
Volume: 2
Number: 3
Year: 2011
Page: 173-187
ISSN: 1309-2448


This paper focuses on private employment agencies’ profiles in Turkey. These organizations were investigated in order to understand their role, functions and characteristics. The methodology of this study is based on qualitative research. After finding the number of private employment agencies, the sample group’s websites were investigated and the information about their features was analyzed by using a content analyzing method. The results have been categorized according to local or global status, services provided and differences in services provided. In this way, it is possible to give an overview of private employment agencies in Turkey. This paper provides a critical Turkish perspective on private employment agencies, and it also prepares a conceptual and empirical basis for private employment agencies’ literature.

Keywords:Employment Services, Services of Private Employment Agencies, Local and Global Private Employment Agencies, Turkey

JEL Classification:M12, M19 Full Text ( 1807)
